Website Editor
The Kuula Website Editor allows you to easily build and manage a website featuring your 360 photos and Virtual Tours as well as a number of other types of content - such as videos, text and images.
Can I access it?
Yes! The Website Editor is available to ALL USERS.
If you are a Kuula BUSINESS subscriber, can use the editor to build and manage the website available under your own custom domain.
All other users, both PRO and Basic, can login, create and save their websites. The website will not be publicly visible however. Instead, all changes will be preserved and if you want to make it public one day - you can simply upgrade to Kuula BUSINESS.
Getting started
To get started with the Website Editor, go to You should see a screen like the one below. You can login using your Kuula user name / email and password combination .
If you use the Sign-in with Facebook function instead of your user name or email to login to Kuula, you will need to create a new password first. Login to, go to the Change Password page and create a new password there. Once you're done, you can use this password along with your user name or email to login to the Website Editor above.

Using the editor
Once you successully login to the editor, you will and interface similar to the screen below. You can use the top toolbar to add, edit and delete pages and edit global settings. The side menu can be used to rearrange the order of your pages. All those functions are marked on the screenshot below and explained further down.

Adding a new page (1)
To add a new page simply click the New page link in the top menu. An editor will appear where you can add the content and save the page.
Editing an existing page (2)
Each time you navigate to a page using the menu, you can edit the page you're on by simply clicking the Edit button on the right side of the top toolbar. The page editor will appear on the screen and you can start modyfing the page content. See below for details about the editor screen.
Rearranging order of the pages (3)
You can rearrange the order of the sections in the menu using drag & drop. Once you are done and satisfied with the result - click the Save link located on top of the menu to save your changes. You can also choose to Cancel any changes in the order of pages.
The page that is on the top this list, will be the home page for your website - i.e. what users will see when they type in your webpage address in their browsers.
Page settings (4)
The Settings link will take you a page where you can edit some global parameters for your page such as different graphic design themes and the content of the header - name, bio, logo image and website URL.
You can edit plugins settings in there. Right now, the editor offers 3 different plugins: Google Analytics, Sumo sharing toolbar and a configurable GDPR / Cookie consent popup. New one will are added on a regular basis.
Editing a page
The page editor presents you with a list of editable fields, where you can change the pages content or settings. The main elements of the page editor are explained below:

Saving changes (1)
Whenever you make any updates, the Save button in the top-right corner will become green. If you click on it, your the changes will be saved and you will exit the editor.
You can also cancel all changes and exit the editor without saving by clicking on Cancel or you can entirely delete the page by clicking on Delete.
Page name (2)
In this field, you can edit the page name as it will appear in the menu on the side. This field is mandatory and cannot be left empty.
Path (3)
In this field you can edit the custom path to that page. It is recommended to setup a custom path for each page, but if you leave it empty - a default path will be generated for you.
Privacy (4)
You can choose between making your page Public, Unlisted or Private. Only public pages will appear in the menu. Unlisted pages will not - but you can share direct links to that page with your users. A Private page is visible only to you - you can use that option as a draft mode, when adding and editing new pages and before you make them public.
Template (4)
This setting will determine what your page looks like and what content you can add to it. When you select different types of pages, the fields below will toggle depending whether they can be used with the template of your choice or not.
Currently, there a 5 different page template available:
Page - this is the most versatile template. Using this template, you can create a complete page with a title, header, text/html content and a media piece (example)
Full window - this is the best choice if you just want to show your media content without additional text information. The media type you can add includes Kuula posts and tours, Youtube & Vimeo videos (both regular and 360), Matterport tours, Google maps and simple static images (example)
Splash - similar to full window, this template will allow you to add a header and title to your page and have the media piece in the background. This template works great for home pages! (example)
Grid - with the grid template you can quickly create pages that show a grid of thumbnails. Presets include: a grid of all your public photos, all your public tours or all photos in a specific tour (example).
Redirect - this template has no visual element. It will redirect the user to another webpage based on a provided URL.