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Login & Password

When you register for a new account on Kuula, you can choose between using your email address, explained below, or registerign via a 3rd party network, covered in this article. Each method has features that you need to be aware of in order to keep your account secure.

Email registration

If you choose this way to register, you will need to enter an email and choose a user name and a password.

Please make sure to use a valid and active email address. If you forget your password, we will send you reset instructions to that email address.

Kuula requires users to choose a password that is at least 7 characters long. Our website contains a password meter that will help you judge whether your password is strong enough. On top of that we strongly encourage everyone to follow these rules:

  • Choose a password that's easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess.
  • Your password should be unique for Kuula. Do not reuse passwords from other accounts.
  • The longer the password, the more secure it is.
  • Your password should not contain your email, user name, phone number or birthday.
  • Avoid using obvious and common words, like "password" or "kuula".
  • Don't share your password with anyone. If you do, change it as soon as possible.
  • Consider using a password manager app to store your passwords.

After you are registered for Kuula, we also recommend that you check multi-factor authentication which is a great feature to make your account more secure.

Changing the password

You can change your password at any time. To do that, please navigate to the Password & security section after you login and set a new password using the form on the top of that page.

If you forgot the password and can't login, you can reset> it instead.


Each time you come back to Kuula in the future, to access your account you will need to provide your email or user name and the selected password.

You can use the Remember me checkbox to make sure the browser will not log you out as soon as you close the Kuula tab. Please be careful with that option if you are on a shared device though!

Resetting your password

If you forget your password and can't login to your Kuula account, you can reset it.

To do this you will need to enter the email address associated with your account on the Password Reset page and hit the Send Reset Instructions. Within a few minutes, you will receive an email containing reset instructions.

You can also use this feature if you registered with Facebook and have no password, but for any reason you lost access to your FB account and can't login to Kuula anymore.

Resetting your password via email is the only way to recover access to your account. For security reasons our customer service does not have the ability to recover the password for you.
